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Request: A Global NOT criteria?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:56 am
by DrJJWMac
We have the option to combine folder searches using global AND or OR criteria. Should this be expanded to include a filter for NOT? Here is an example:

- Folder
-- search: (allFields A OR allFields B) AND allFields C
-- search: (allFields A OR allFields B) AND allFields D
-- search: (allFields A OR allFields B) AND allFields E

--> global AND: all documents with (A OR B) and (C AND D AND E)
--> global OR: all documents with (A OR B) and (C OR D OR E) (all documents without duplications)
--> global NOT: all documents with (A OR B) not common across all three terms (C AND D AND E)


Re: Request: A Global NOT criteria?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:34 pm
by Jon
Much too complicated for UI-driven searches.

You can create smart searches now that let you find references that are in or that or NOT in one or more static groups, which you may or may not find useful.

Sonny Software

Re: Request: A Global NOT criteria?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:39 am
by DrJJWMac
I’ll see what I can discover that I am missing now.


Re: Request: A Global NOT criteria?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:43 am
by Zyblorg
Hi -- I would like to exclude from my smart group references that are in another smart group. I see that I can exclude references from a static group, but not other smart groups.

I am searching PDFs for my references, and I have made smart groups for references in journals that I don't have online access to. What I would like is to make a 'working on' smart group that includes all journal articles but excludes articles in the smart groups I just mentioned.

I can do a workaround with a static group, by copying the contents of my 'excluded' smart groups into a static group, then excluding the contents of that static group from my 'working on' smart group. But it would be nice if it happened automatically, so that when I add a reference it either shows up or doesn't show up in the 'working on' smart group.

Is this a possible thing to ask for?

Greg M.

Re: Request: A Global NOT criteria?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:21 am
by Jon
I haven't tried this, but off the top of my head I think there might be a way to do this with virtual groups.

1. Create a smart group that does a NOT search for each journal (leave the first search field empty, since you can't NOT that).
2. In the groups pane, right-click and tell Bookends to AND multiple selections.
3. Click on your PDF smart search then Command-click on the journal smart search, so both are selected.

I think you'll get the references you want that aren't in the excluded journals.

If not, your workaround may be the best way.

Sonny Software

Re: Request: A Global NOT criteria?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:37 pm
by Zyblorg
Ok -- I will try this and see if it works, and let you know one way or the other.

Re: Request: A Global NOT criteria?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:25 pm
by Zyblorg
Ok -- I think this works. It's slightly different from what you said, but the principle is the same.

1. I made a static group for Attachments
2. I made a smart group that includes all journal articles, except those in the static group without Attachmeents
3. I made smart groups for each excluded journal (there are not enough spaces to make a single smart group with all the journals I want to exclude)
4. I put the smart group for no attachments and the smart groups for each excluded journal into a smart folder
5. I changes multiple selections to AND

So when I select all the groups in the smart folder, I get only those that are in the group for no attachments and in all the groups for the journals, i.e. that haven't been weeded out by being included in any of those journals.

Thanks for the help. This will really save me a lot of time.


Re: Request: A Global NOT criteria?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:28 pm
by Jon
1. You can have up to 9 NOT searches in a single smart group
2. You don't need a smart folder, a regular folder will do.

Glad it worked out.

Sonny Softwaer