Best way to merge attachments sync'd with Dropbox

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Best way to merge attachments sync'd with Dropbox

Post by mphelpsmd »

I switched to Bookends from Sente a while ago, but only recently have I been using it with some regularity.

I have two computers that I do work on, and installed Bookends on both.

The databases are cloud synced using the built-in sync feature for iCloud. OK, so I think I got that correct.

The problem is the PDF attachments for the references. I store the originals (PDF files) on a Dropbox share that is accessible to both computers. What I've realized recently, though, is that some of the attachments are directly visible through Bookends on one computer, and some of them on the other. I recently noticed that when I drag the PDF file onto the reference in Bookends, it copies it to a subfolder in my Documents folder for both computers. I had naively assumed that it would have a link to the Dropbox-based file, but that doesn't seem to be true.

So if I understand correctly, I need to copy the Documents/Bookends folder to Dropbox/Bookends (which is in a Dropbox-synced directory) and adjust the preferences in Bookends to point to that folder for the attachments. OK, that would work fine if I only had one computer.

But what about doing this for two computers? Is there a way that I need to merge them, or can I just naively copy both to the same Dropbox folder, trusting that the attachments from both computers shouldn't collide in a way that would represent a problem?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Best way to merge attachments sync'd with Dropbox

Post by Jon »

Yes, put the PDFs you want to sync in the Dropbox folder of just one computer -- they will automatically be synced (downloaded) to the other.

The step you missed is that you must tell Bookends that you've changed the attachment folder from the default (in Documents) to Dropbox. This is done in preferences (General tab).

Sonny Software
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