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Organize attachments folder

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:15 pm
by dtziouris

My workflow: I use a 13" e-ink eReader to read my pdfs and I want them organized in the same folders as in my Bookends library. I don't want to do this manually.
What the script does: The shell script monitors the attachment folder and it's subfolders for new files or renamed files. If such a file is detected and it's name is of the appropriate format (see below) it is moved in a folder recreating the folder structure of the bookends library
Requirements: Install Mac ports and then fswatch and terminal-notifier. Instruct Bookends to rename files using a format that begins with g; (group followed by semicolon - it is removed when the script runs). Tick the only ASCII names box.
  • 1. Create an automator application with the shell script as its single action.
    2. Modify the SCR_PATH and ATT_PATH variables to point to the attachment folder and the Applescript file respectively
    3. Include the automator app in the login items to start the monitoring automatically after logging in.
If you want you can omit steps 1. & 3. and run the shell script manually from the terminal.
1. Bookends first adds the Pdf to the attachment folder and then renames it according to the chosen format. This will trigger a notification from the script that the pdf is not of the correct format but then pdf will be correclty moved .
2. Pdfs that belong to multiple groups are not processed; I will try to address this issue when I find some time.

Code: Select all

/opt/local/bin/fswatch -0r -e ".*" -i "\\.pdf$" --event Created --event Renamed "$ATT_PATH" | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} -P2 sh -c '[ -f "$0" ]&&[ ! -f "${2}/.locked" ]&&returnVal=$(osascript "$1" "$0" "$2")&&/opt/local/bin/terminal-notifier -title "${returnVal%% *}" -message "${returnVal#* }"' {} "$SCR_PATH" "$ATT_PATH"

Code: Select all

on run args
		-- this Applescript renames and moves files that are added to Bookends attachment folder (or are renamed by the application)
		-- the following line checks wheteher Bookends is running as the PDF could have been renamed/added by the user
		if application "Bookends" is not running then return "Fail Hellooo! Bookends is not running"
		set thePDF to item 1 of args
		set attachmentsPath to item 2 of args
		set lockFilePath to attachmentsPath & "/.locked"
		if LockIsOn(lockFilePath) is true then return
		set Creturn to ASCII character 13
		set Slash to ASCII character 47
		set Semicolon to ASCII character 59
		set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		-- extract the name of the pdf and the static group it belongs to
		tell application "System Events" to set fullFileName to name of (POSIX file thePDF as alias)
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to Semicolon
		set fileNameComponents to every text item in fullFileName
		if (count of fileNameComponents) is 1 then
			return "Fail No ';' found in filename"
		end if
		set activeGroup to item 1 of fileNameComponents
		set fileName to item 2 of fileNameComponents
		-- escape parentheses in attachment name for SQL regular expression to work
		set fileNameRegExp to replaceText("(", "\\(", fileName)
		set fileNameRegExp to replaceText(")", "\\)", fileNameRegExp)
		set fileNameRegExp to quoted form of fileNameRegExp
		-- find if a reference exists with the given attachment name and get the id
		set RegExp to "attachments REGEX " & fileNameRegExp
		tell application "Bookends" to set RefNo to «event ToySSQLS» RegExp
		if RefNo is "" then
			return "Fail No attachment with following name found: " & fileName
		end if
		-- search for the path of the group the pdf belongs to in the group hierarchy
		tell application "Bookends" to set groupHierarchy to return «event ToySRGPN» given «class PATH»:"true"
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to Creturn
		set delimitedGroupHierarchy to every text item of groupHierarchy
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to Slash
		repeat with singleGroupPath in delimitedGroupHierarchy
			set singleGroup to last text item of singleGroupPath
			if singleGroup is equal to activeGroup then
				-- when found create the path in the attachments folder, move and rename the pdf
				set quotedDestinationFolder to quoted form of (attachmentsPath & "/" & singleGroupPath)
				set quotedFullFileName to quoted form of thePDF
				set quotedDestinationFullFileName to quoted form of (attachmentsPath & "/" & singleGroupPath & "/" & fileName)
				set destinationFolder to attachmentsPath & "/" & singleGroupPath
				set cmdStr to "touch " & quoted form of lockFilePath & ";
										if [[ ! -d " & quotedDestinationFolder & " ]]; 
											then mkdir -p " & quotedDestinationFolder & "; fi; 
										mv " & quotedFullFileName & " " & quotedDestinationFullFileName & ";
										sleep 1;
										rm " & quoted form of lockFilePath
				do shell script cmdStr
				tell application "Bookends" to «event ToySSFLD» RefNo given «class FLDN»:"attachments", string:fileName
				return "Success " & fileName & " was moved"
			end if
		end repeat
		return "Fail " & fileName & " was not found in any of the groups"
	on error errorMessage number errorNumber
		return "ApplescriptError " & errorNumber & " : " & errorMessage
	end try
end run

on LockIsOn(lockFilePath)
	tell application "System Events"
		if exists file lockFilePath then return true
		return false
	end tell
end LockIsOn

on replaceText(find, replace, someText)
	set localOldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to find
	set someText to text items of someText
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to replace
	set someText to "" & someText
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to localOldDelims
	return someText
end replaceText