ONIX import filter

Users asking other users for import filters.
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ONIX import filter

Post by Farcas »

Is there an ONIX import filter for Bookends? ONIX is "an XML-based family of international standards intended to support computer-to-computer communication between parties involved in creating, distributing, licensing or otherwise making available intellectual property in published form, whether physical or digital".

I've been talking with publishers to get heir metadata. Getting this into bookends would be awesome.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ONIX_(p ... _protocol)

Any help? Thanks!
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Re: ONIX import filter

Post by Jon »

It's pretty much impossible to make a flexible XML import filter that most people could actually use (see CSL as an example). ONIX would have to be fairly popular with Bookends users to make writing a built-in parser worthwhile.

Sonny Software
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Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:20 pm

Re: ONIX import filter

Post by Farcas »

I would be eternally grateful!

Anyone interested?

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