setting up attachments for iCloud sync

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setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by ozean »

I have just downloaded the new Bookends for iOS app and want to switch to Cloud syncing. I set up the library and library syncing seems to work fine (I had some strange double confirmations of the in-app purchase – once in German and one more time in English).

OT: In contrast to BoT, I do not get much feedback during library sync other than a spinning thingy, which is disconcerting…

Now I wonder about how to manage the attachments. I have read the section in the user guide, but I did not understand it. What steps am I required to do to have full access to my attachments on both devices when I want to sync everything via iCloud?

The user guide seems to imply that I can do this via the settings. But when I click on "iCloud Drive" in the Folder locations settings, the location is displayed as being my desktop. I could of course just move the attachment folder to my iCloud Drive and use the "other" setting, but when I interpret the user guide correctly this is not the way to do it (the user guide mentions some hidden folders, which makes things worse…)

Thanks in advance!
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by Jon »

You have 12.7.7, right? In preferences, first tab, there is a new option to set the attachments folder to iCloud Drive. That will tell Bookends to either create the correct folder (which you cannot do in the Finder yourself) or use the folder created by Bookends for iOS. Note that this folder is invisible in the Finder until it has content. It will bear the icon of Bookends (see the screen picts in the user guide, near the end:

Sonny Software
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by ozean »

Thanks for the reply and additional information. I still could not get it to work. When I select iCloud Drive in Bookends preferences, it always switches to /Users/ozean/Desktop instead. My iCloud drive is active, and it has plenty of empty space (I have a 1 TB subscription and use only about a quarter of that), it works fine with other apps etc. No idea why the setting does not stick…
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by ozean »

Just as additional info: I have a large attachment folder in the default location: ~2200 attachments, the folder size is ~6.5 GB, and the largest PDF file is 270 MB (thanks to Preview’s inflation of scanned PDFs as soon as I begin highlighting etc.).
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by Jon »

Try adding a PDF attachment in Bookends for iOS. Then sync with the Mac and see if the folder appears. If not, please contact tech support so we can explore this.

Sonny Software
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by michaelward »

I seem to have the same issue... only in my case when I select iCloud Drive in the folder locations for attachments it automatically sets it to Users/michael/library. I've tried consolidating an attachment and that indeed is where it appears on the local drive.

I haven't set up iOS Bookends yet - I was trying to make sure syncing between my laptop and desktop worked before I did. I will try the fix you suggest and see if it works.


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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by michaelward »

... syncing from iOS didn't seem to create the necessary folders so 'I'll submit a support request.

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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by Jon »

Please download Bookends 12.7.7 and set your attachments to iCloud Drive in preferences again. I think it will work now.

Note that we've had multiple reports that the folder is in fact created and can be used for attachments, it's just not made visible by the Finder.

Sonny Software
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by talazem »

For what it's worth: two days in and I still can't see the Bookends folder in the Finder (even when I use terminal to show invisible files and folders) under "iCloud Drive". But I can see it perfectly fine in PathFinder (a Finder replacement app). Having now dragged and dropped my 12k+ PDFs, and given iCloud a day to sync, it is all working very smoothly. I *think* keeping iCloud Drive on my iPad open helped the syncing move along on the iOS side. And I've also noticed that sometimes you have to click on a reference twice, in Bookends for iOS, before the PDF appears in the top right corner. A job well done, Jon and Serge.
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by michaelward »

that did the job - all working beautifully now.
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by peter-s »

Dear all,

I have two issues regarding iCloud sync (analog to user „ozean“ & „michaelward“):

(1) The bookends folder is not appearing in iCloud on the mac, even after downloading the most recent bookends version from today as well as using Bookends for iOS first (there, the iCloud folder „Bookends“ is created and populated with attachments).

(2) When I select iCloud Drive in the folder locations for attachments, it automatically sets it to my user home /Users/ps/library.

Therefore, syncing attachments between macOS and iOS devices is unfortunately not working. Is there a solution for these issues?

Thanks a lot in advance and best regards!


PS: when I go to system preferences / icloud > options, Bookends is not appearing in the list with the apps that use iCloud for storage
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by Jon »

I made a new silent update this morning that fixes the codesigning issues introduced in recent Apple security updates. Please download that and try to set your attachment folder to iCloud Drive again. If it still sets it to desktop, please contact tech support ( and I'll send you a debug build.

Sonny Software

P.S. The rules Apple uses to make the folder visible are obscure, for some users it is and for some it is not. But that doesn't matter with regard to its function.
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by hawker »

I'm having a similar issue to "peter-s" "ozean" and "michaelward" in that I get "/Users/iMac/Library" when I try to set the iCloud Folder for iOS Sync for my attachments.

The reference was added to my library on the Mac, but there is no attachment.

I'm running Bookends 3.1 on my iPad, and I've created an reference with an attachment on the iPad. The Bookends folder shows up in my cloud drive on iOS, but not in the finder or the online version of iCloud.

I'm running running Bookends 12.7.7 on my Mac. I downloaded and reinstalled 12.7.7 in response to Jon's email about the quiet update, but it did not fix the problem.

Oh, and I'm using macOS Sierra 10.12.2 and iOS 10.2 on my iPad.


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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by Jon »

You should not be getting "user/imac/library" if you're using the latest 12.7.7. You should contact tech support with snapshots.

As for the folder not appearing when it's created on your iOS device, that's looking like a bug in iCloud. We're wprlomg with Apple developer support and have also filed a bug report with Apple.

Sonny Software
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Re: setting up attachments for iCloud sync

Post by Serge »

Our user Paris solved the problem of the Bookends sync folder not appearing on the Mac by switching off iCloud Drive from iOS -> Settings > iCloud, left the Settings (iCloud drive disappears from home screen), then went back in settings and switched it back on. Now the Bookends folder appears in iCloud Drive on the Mac.
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