Highlight default

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Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:56 pm

Highlight default

Post by RyanBookender »

I just updated to v3.3.2 of the ios app (using it on an iPad) a few days ago, and an annoying thing is that, in highlighting a PDF, the app no longer 'remembers' your opacity setting from one highlighting move to the next - it always defaults to highest opacity, and I like to use a lower one for readability. It didn't do this in previous versions. Adds a bothersome extra step for every highlight I make. The previous version I thought had pretty much perfected annotations (it's just totally killer on the iPad paired with the apple pencil), so it's a little frustrating to run into this.
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Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:09 pm

Re: Highlight default

Post by Serge »

Thanks for reporting this. A bug report was sent to PSPDFKit team.
As a workaround, the opacity is correctly saved when changed from the annotation inspector, which can be accessed by selecting the highlight tool in the annotation toolbar, then tapping the style button, as shown in this screen shot.

highlight-style.png (140.06 KiB) Viewed 3275 times
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