list of authors

Users asking other users for AppleScripts that work with Bookends.
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list of authors

Post by pereelmagne »


I'm trying to get a list of author names from a group. The script doesn't work. What I have is the following:

tell application "Bookends"
tell front library window
set nameList to author names of every publication item of group item id "calligrafia"
set myList to {}
copy nameList to end of myList
get myList
end tell
display dialog myList
end tell

What I get is a series of lists, one for every captured name. What can I do?

Tanks in advance.
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Re: list of authors

Post by Jon »

I'm far from an AS expert and you'll get better answers from others. But here's my take on what you want, giving you a return-delimited list of names. Note that you can have duplicate names, it's up to you to handle that. And this script could be shortened (no need for finalList), but I left your code in place.

tell application "Bookends"
tell front library window
set nameList to author names of every publication item of group item id "calligrafia"
set myList to {}
copy nameList to myList
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 10
set finalList to myList as string
end tell
display dialog finalList
end tell

Sonny Software
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