Binding quote with @ (cited pages)?

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Binding quote with @ (cited pages)?

Post by jacob »

I'm trying to fine-tune my format for a specialty journal (Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy), which calls for an idiosyncratic way of presenting cited pages. In a book, cited pages should be preceded by a comma. But in an article, they should be preceded by the word 'at' (because they come after the page range of the whole article).

I was hoping I'd be able to achieve this with binding quotes, like this:

Code: Select all

a, 't' {[‘s’]^}, f, v (d), p– |~ at ~@
But this doesn't work; the ' at ' gets output even when there are no cited pages in the citation.

Is there any way to make the output conditional on whether or not there are cited pages?
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Re: Binding quote with @ (cited pages)?

Post by Jon »

The @ for cited pages is usually applied in the temp citation, not the format. And you can tell Bookends to override the default punctuation for cited pages like this

{temp cite@\ at \45-55}

Sonny Software
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Re: Binding quote with @ (cited pages)?

Post by jacob »

Thanks for your reply.

I realize it's rare to use @ in a format -- though I did see it explained in the User Guide, p. 262, and I use it in a format for ancient commentators, where the page number comes before the editor's name. I was hoping that @ might behave slightly more similarly to ordinary field codes than it in fact does.

No big deal, I can do a Find-Replace when everything is finished. I'm reluctant to add 'at' to the temporary citations, because sometimes an article has to be shopped to more than one journal, with different style guidelines…
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Re: Binding quote with @ (cited pages)?

Post by Jon »

I've never really tried what you'e doing. Instead of the binding option why not try a conditional group? For example, if location <> "" then output "at"?

{l $at $^}

I don't know if that will work for you, but it might.

Sonny Software
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