Law Commentaries format

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Law Commentaries format

Post by PDR »

Dear all,

i recently switched to mellel+bookends to continue my work on my (german) phd law thesis and wonder how to organize best the following type of book: Law commentary. This type of books are cited like book chapter in the phd text. However, it is expected that the whole book only appears once in the bibliography. To give an example:

The bibliography should list (once): Jarass, Hans D./Pieroth, Bodo (editors), Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Kommentar (title), 15. Aufl. (edition), München (city) 2018 (date).

In the footnotes, however, the citation should be author, in: editors, title, Art. (=commented law number), Recital No., so, for instance:
Jarass, in: Jarass/Pieroth, Grundgesetz, 15. Aufl. 2018, Art. 12 Recit. 12.

I wonder, how to organize this type of books best. In some cases, there are up to 50 authors, commenting on different law articles in one book and I'd like to avoid to have an equal number of entries in bookends, which would also require me to manually exclude ($) the references from the bibliography when writing (since errors are likely to occur).

I thought about this and wondered whether it is possible to enter the "author" data (footnote citation!) with some kind of prefix in Mellel/bookends (when writing)? If this is possible, how would i have to write the format code in this case and how would the prefix be entered (in Mellel)?

If such a solution is not possible, I'd be thankful to hear other thoughts on how to handle these type of books best (given the information above).

Thanks a lot

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Re: Law Commentaries format

Post by Jon »

I'm not sure if this is your solution, but have you looked at metatypes? You set up a relationship between one reference and others (e.g. Book : Commentary) and then create a format that uses this metatype. You can then mix information from the two references in one output. Please look up "metatype" in the user guide (Help menu) and see if you might find it useful.

Sonny Software
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Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2019 5:43 am

Re: Law Commentaries format

Post by PDR »

Great! This works fine for me! Just in case someone else might look for this information: To make sure that the commentary is only included in the bibliography once, leave the metatype format bibliography field blank and use the regular format (eg. book) for all biblopgraphy information reg. the commentary. Thanks a lot, Jon. Great software.
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