Database Commit Size Exceeded Cloud Sync

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Posts: 31
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Database Commit Size Exceeded Cloud Sync

Post by ctg7w6 »

Good morning!

I searched the forums but didn't find anyone else with this problem.

I deleted quite a few static groups in my library. Now it says it needs to update like 101 records when I press the cloud sync button.

However, after it tries to do this, it gives me the error: "Cloud Sync: BAD_REQUEST"

And then: "Error code: DATABASE_COMMIT_SIZE_EXCEEDED, Message: Database commit size exceeds limit."

Is there a way around this? I really need to sync my library!

Thank you so much!
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Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:09 pm

Re: Database Commit Size Exceeded Cloud Sync

Post by Serge »

How large is your library, how many references? Do you have enough free space on your iCloud account, but if it was a space limit the message from Apple would be different. Currently I can only suggest to try again later and if the problem will not gone please try to delete your library from cloud and re-upload your local library again. If you want please me your library to for testing.
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Re: Database Commit Size Exceeded Cloud Sync

Post by ctg7w6 »

Yeah I have plenty of space in iCloud and my hard drive. I only have 2180 references. This has never happened before. I am seriously wondering if there is some limit somewhere of 100 because there are 101 "changes" it is trying to upload.

In any case, just to be clear... I should hit the cloud button and then "Remove Libraries from Cloud" and select my library? This will NOT delete my PDFs and library, correct? I will still maintain my local library?

Or should I do "Unlink" and then relink syncing and the library?

I just want to make sure because if I lose my library I lose ten years of work! :)
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Re: Database Commit Size Exceeded Cloud Sync

Post by Serge »

Yes, all you references and attachments are stored locally, so you can do Unlink, then "Remove Libraries from Cloud" to delete your cloud library and then sync your local library again.
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