Simple Question(s) About Import Filters

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Simple Question(s) About Import Filters

Post by ehbarnet »

Hi everyone,

I have what amounts to a quite simple question about import filters. I've been using autocomplete to fill out my references, with Google Scholar as my chosen database. I've been noticing however that when the reference in question is a journal, the volume field is left blank. I then looked into my import filter manager and noticed that the volume field had no corresponding tag.

My questions is this: how do I change this? How do I modify the google scholar important filter such that it picks up my articles' volume (and issues)?


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Re: Simple Question(s) About Import Filters

Post by Jon »

The basic results from Google Scholar (the HTML that is returned) don't include the volume number. However, for some references, especially in the sciences, it's possible to get that information and much more. If Google Scholar provides the extra information to Bookends it is imported (not using the Google Scholar import filter, which is designed to get the HTML information).

See this announcement for tips on getting the highest quality data from GS:


Sonny Software
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Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:22 pm

Re: Simple Question(s) About Import Filters

Post by ehbarnet »

Thanks for this! Very helpful.
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