Import Filter Tutorial

Users asking other users for import filters.
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Import Filter Tutorial

Post by ehbarnet »

Hi all,

I've finally started to read the Bookends manual in depth, but I'm having trouble parsing the Import Filter section. Does anyone happen to have any recommendations of where I might be able to find a guide to import filters for the absolute beginner? I'd look myself, but I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for - perhaps a description of how libraries use metadata to describe their references, along with a description of the different types of format libraries use in general?


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Re: Import Filter Tutorial

Post by Jon »

We don't have a tutorial on import filters because, frankly, they are pretty simple (and the user guide covers the bits that require a bit of knowledge). They are designed to import tagged files, meaning files in which a defined label precedes the metadata you want to import. See RIS for a classic example.

AU - Smith, John
TI - The way things were

In the filter enter the tag in front of the field you want the metadata imported into. For example, AU in front of Authors.

As I said, the User Guide has lots more detail, but that's the gist of it.

If you have specific questions, please ask them here and I'll try to help.

Sonny Software
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