Attaching a local or iCloud PDF to a reference?

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Attaching a local or iCloud PDF to a reference?

Post by DrJJWMac »

I seem to be befuddled by the process to attach a PDF to a reference in one particular use case. The case is when the PDF is stored either locally on my iPad or on my iCloud service. I had hoped that I might just need to do one or the other of these options ...

* Click on the (grayed out) paper clip icon, sort through the Files directory (local or iCloud), find the PDF, and attach it.

* Edit the reference, Click on the No attachments message in the Attachments field, and repeat the comparable process as above.

* Click on an EMPTY PLACEHOLDER BOX icon and get a context menu that says "Attach PDF file ..."

It seems that my option is instead to find the file and share it to Bookends.

I offer the other options as thoughts for future improvement to the process to attach a local or iCloud PDF directly.
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Re: Attaching a local or iCloud PDF to a reference?

Post by Serge »

Thank you for your suggestions, some of them already planned, others will be added to the feature request list.
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