Feature Requests: Improvements for Working in BE Browser

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Feature Requests: Improvements for Working in BE Browser

Post by DrJJWMac »

I have two feature requests.

* When I DOWNLOAD an article using the BE browser, the reference list view jumps to All with the article selected. I would prefer that the reference list view does not jump to All. I am (diligently) adding journal articles to the Hits location. I want to track the articles that I download at any one given session. I prefer to keep the Hits view open.

* When I work at my library search site, the first return is a list of articles that match my search criteria. I would like to be able to open the journal articles in a separate window or tab. As it is now, I have to go back ... back ... back ... in the main browser window to get from the journal article view (or journal PDF view) back to the list of journals that I am reviewing.
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Re: Feature Requests: Improvements for Working in BE Browser

Post by Jon »

I'll add these to the feature request list. Note that #1 would make more sense if it were generalized to all groups (static), meaning that if a static group (including Hits) were selected the imported reference would be added to it. As for #2, Bookends Browser is of course not a dedicated browser, and adding a tabbed interface would be a very large undertaking (to little benefit for its intended use). Maybe allowing you to quickly move between pages in the viewing history would provide what you want in a simpler form.

Sonny Software
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Re: Feature Requests: Improvements for Working in BE Browser

Post by DrJJWMac »

Yes, for #1. Make this generalized. I would ideally prefer to bypass using the Hits list as I do my searching. I would prefer to set up a pre-defined (static) group for my current search and to import directly into that pre-defined (static) group.

Yes, for #2 in regard to a faster way to move through browser history. One approach is the equivalent to Safari -- clicking on the back button shows the history list. Alternatively, have a way to click (or option click) on the URL input field to see the history at that session.

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Re: Feature Requests: Improvements for Working in BE Browser

Post by Jon »

Actually, I'd forgotten, #1 already works. Select a static group and imports from Bookends Browser will be added to the group.

#2 has been implemented in the next update.

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Re: Feature Requests: Improvements for Working in BE Browser

Post by DrJJWMac »

Yes, I see now that #1 works when I am in a static group. The imported citation lands in the static group, and the view remains in the static group. However, when I import to the Hits location, the reference is imported and the view jumps to All. When the Hits location is the active view during import, perhaps a better option would be to have the imported reference receive a checkmark (to remain in the Hits location) and to have the view stay in the Hits location.

Thanks for adding #2 for the next release.
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Re: Feature Requests: Improvements for Working in BE Browser

Post by Jon »

Hits isn't a static group and won't work like that. I think I'll let this pass. Hits is a transient "group" and changes frequently, it isn't to be relied on for keeping related references together. That's what static groups are for. If you really want the imported references to be hits for some reason, import them into a static group and, when ready, mark them all. Now they're hits. (Marking all is easy -- use the Refs -> Mark All menu, or do as I do, click on the checkbox for one reference with the Shift key held down...now they're all marked).

Sonny Software
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Re: Feature Requests: Improvements for Working in BE Browser

Post by DrJJWMac »

> Hits isn't a static group and won't work like that. I think I'll let this pass.

Fair enough. Now that I know better, I'll mange what I need with static groups. Thank you.
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