Feature Requests: A few ideas on utility

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Feature Requests: A few ideas on utility

Post by DrJJWMac »

1) I have found a few times when I edit fields that I also want to continue reviewing the field yet save the current edits that I have made to that point. The only way to save the current edited state is to close the field. Would you consider adding (Save) and (Cancel) buttons to the field editor window?

2) I opened a URL for a PDF. I scrolled to a list of references that are citing the current article. I got to a Web page to download a PDF for a journal that is citing my initial article. When I download the article, it attaches to the original article. I have not yet figured out how to get that second attachment to a new reference on iPadOS. Would you consider adding a direct or context menu option to allow a user to (Create New Reference from PDF).

3) I want to search for a word in both the title and the abstract fields. I have to choose the title field + contains and also choose the abstract field + contains. Would you consider allowing a user to select multiple fields at one time, e.g. (Title, Abstract) + contains + search term, rather than setting up sequential searches, e.g. (Title + contains) + (Abstract + contains) + search term?
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Re: Feature Requests: A few ideas on utility

Post by Serge »

We will try to implement (1) in one of the nearest updates.
(3) we will look what's possible a bit later after other features completed.

As for (2) it was designed this way in Bookends for iOS to automatically attach the downloaded PDF to the current reference. BOT doesn't have the dedicated web browser for general searches, just a web browser for the currently viewed reference. But if you try to open your link in Safari and download your PDF there, do Share -> Open in BOT -> Attach to the new reference.
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Re: Feature Requests: A few ideas on utility

Post by DrJJWMac »

Thank you. I look forward to the updates with (1) and (3). Glad to hear that they are in consideration.

As for (2), the consideration to make when for a web page where the PDF is inaccessible. Bookends iPadOS has no way that I see to import the web page content as a new reference. Even when that web page is for example a PubMed view.

In the meantime, I am exporting an .nbib file of citations or "cited by" articles to an iCloud folder and picking up that file in Bookends macOS.

Perhaps a longer term goal in BoT is to be able to import such files directly.
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