Author, Date - all text as a hyperlink to Bookends file

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Author, Date - all text as a hyperlink to Bookends file

Post by mathefff »


I completely don't know how to crack this problem. What I would like to achieve is:
1. Invoke Floating Citations.
2. After finding and selecting the proper reference, I would like to paste the citation in the format of "(Author date)". So far so good.
3. I would also like the citation, "(Author date)", to be clickable (blue underlined font with an active link). Clicking it, should bring me to the reference in Bookends. Hence, the attacked link to "(Author date)" should be Bookends' URL link to the reference.

As you can imagine, I would like to use it in documents without scanning (and fixing temporary citations, creating bibliography, etc.).
If it would make it possible, I could go without 1. (Floating Citations) and simply drag and drop it from Bookends.

I don't believe playing with citation formats will be sufficient for the linking part, thus, I choose to put the question in this section.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

EDIT: the target notes I would use it on are Markdown files.
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Re: Author, Date - all text as a hyperlink to Bookends file

Post by Jon »

Have you tried the Copy Hypertext Link menu item in the floating citations popup menu? It does what you want. You'll need to create a format that outputs (Author Date) as you want, and assign it to hypertext reference links in the General tab of Settings.

Sonny Software
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Re: Author, Date - all text as a hyperlink to Bookends file

Post by mathefff »

That did the trick, thank you. I was missing the format assignment for hypertext reference links.
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