[Feature Request] Automatically Apply Word Paragraph Template When Scanning
[Feature Request] Automatically Apply Word Paragraph Template When Scanning
It would be great if Bookends could automatically apply a custom paragraph template to the citations in the biography when running "Word > Bookends > Scan Document" from Word.
Re: [Feature Request] Automatically Apply Word Paragraph Template When Scanning
You mean Bookends would apply a Word style sheet? That won't happen, for lots of reasons. But I think a style sheet you apply to it after the first scan will remain when you rescan (assuming you don't do an Unscan before scanning again). Have you tried that?
Sonny Software
Sonny Software
Re: [Feature Request] Automatically Apply Word Paragraph Template When Scanning
Unfortunately, Word does not preserve the assigned paragraph style (Bookends 14.2 -- Word 16.73). The style sheet is always reset to "Normal + Left 0cm, Hanging: 0.95cm, After: 0pt, Line spacing: single". In addition, the Word Bookends add-in always adds one additional carriage return at the end the bibliography.
That was exactly the reason why I requested this feature. If the Word Bookends add-in behaved as you mentioned, it would be even better.
That was exactly the reason why I requested this feature. If the Word Bookends add-in behaved as you mentioned, it would be even better.
Re: [Feature Request] Automatically Apply Word Paragraph Template When Scanning
It's not Bookends' behavior, it's Words'. What is the style sheet you use for bibliographies? Is it Normal, with double line spacing and such? Or something special? Remember that the bibliography includes style information (font, italics, bold, hanging indents, etc.). That may be overriding the local style, and changing that behavior might introduce new problems. I'll take a look at rescanning, though, and see.
Sonny Software
Sonny Software
Re: [Feature Request] Automatically Apply Word Paragraph Template When Scanning
I may have found a solution to the issue of the bibliography generated by some formats not inheriting the style of the preceding text, but it needs more testing. Please contact tech support directly (support@sonnysoftware.com) and I'll send you a build you can try.
Sonny Software
Sonny Software