Multiple Attachment Citation

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Multiple Attachment Citation

Post by Ddrago »


I've attached three PDFs to a single Bookends reference and now I find myself needing to cite just one of those attachments. Is there a way to create a temporary reference within Bookends that points to a specific attachment in a multi-attachment reference? Any guidance would be appreciated.

Thank you.
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Re: Multiple Attachment Citation

Post by Jon »

This is posted in the Formats subforum, which people who might care to read about this wouldn't look. Please use the Bookends main subforum for general questions like this.

Bookends doesn't cite PDFs, it cites references (meaning author, title, year, etc.). For most people one PDF is assigned to one reference. But it's possible to have one reference with multiple PDFs (for example, the main publication, a supplementary data PDF, a video, etc.).

If you have mistakenly assigned 2 PDFs to the wrong reference, the solution is to detach those two (in the PDF pane action pane) and now attach each to the correct reference.

Sonny Software
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Re: Multiple Attachment Citation

Post by Ddrago »

I'm dealing with a single event that occurred over three days, and I've attached a separate PDF transcript for each day to one Bookends reference. I want to cite specific pages from the PDFs for July 13 and July 14. I've already highlighted the passages I plan to quote. I could either separate these into new references for each day or combine them into one PDF, but both options would force me to redo the highlighting. I'm exploring if there's a workaround to avoid this.

I will make sure to use the Bookends forum for things like this in the future.
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Re: Multiple Attachment Citation

Post by Jon »

I've read and re-read what you wrote and don't understand it. You're obviously using Bookends in an unconventional way.

What are these PDFs of -- articles, books, something else? Why do you have 3 for the same reference? What is the difference between the July 13 and July 14 PDFs?

You can reply here, or simply contact tech support at It would be much faster and easier to deal with this via email, in which you can send screen shots and the PDFs themselves as attachments if that helps.

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Sonny Software
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