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Post by hareiko »

1. I think the term "selection" is not used logically in BE:

When in the list view you can click on a line to highlight the reference. This, according to my unterstanding of Apple interface guidelines, id selecting a reference.

However, e. g. Menu: Refs -> select -> select all references, does not highlight refs but puts ticks in the boxes and puts the refs into the hits list.

It would be more logical to use different terms for the two types of selection, e. g. "select" for highlighting and "mark" or "mark as hit" for transfer to hits list. Endnote e.g. uses the to different terms select and mark.

2. One can select (highlight) several references in list view and drag them to a group easily. But it is not possible to drag refs to the hits list. Why?

3. When several refs are highlighted in the "ALL" list or in a group list there should be aa easy way of transferring them all to the hits list. I did not find a way and individual box ticking is cumbersome. A menu item such as "Menu: Hits -> transfer selected to hit list" (or better: "Mark for hits list") would be helpful. But the the use of the term selected should not be ambiguous (see my item 1).

4. "Select all refs" does indeed select (put into hits list) all refs in the database. I would want to select all refs of a group, when in group list view. A menu item "select group" would be helpful. But then "mark all refs" and "mark group" would be more appropriate.

5. Equally, when several contiguous or discontiguous Refs are selected (highlighted) a menu item "Refs -> Select -> select highlighted", that becomes enabled when there is a highlighted ref. would do the trick. (Better: "Refs -> Mark -> Mark selected")

4. One can only export the hits in a hit list. And I tried to explain: selecting (highlighting; especially with shift-click and command-click) multiple refs in a list is easy but getting them into getting them into the hit list is tedious. If this cannot be changed, two menu items: "File -> Export Refs (Hits)" and "File -> Export Refs (Selected/Highlighted)" would ease things.

Can you understand my problem? Or did I miss some easier way how to do this by inattentive study of the manual. But a MAC program interface should be sufficiently self explanatory and not depend on Manual study too much.

Kind regards,

Hans-Reinhard Koch
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Post by Jon »


Except for a few semantic issues, the main problem you have seems to be getting references from selections to hits, right?

This is very easy.

1. Select the ones you want.
2. Check *one* of them with the Shift key held down.

You are done.

(It works as a toggle -- to unmark the selected references, uncheck one of them with the Shift key held down).

Sonny Software
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Post by hareiko »

Thanks Jon,

Yes I can see that it works. But ...

1. Semantics are important

2. This feature was to me a hidden feature (and possibly also to others), an appropriate menu item with the shortcut would make it more obvious to users

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Post by Jon »

There is no menu equivalent for "check/uncheck the box with the Shift key held down". Also, since it's a toggle, there isn't a simple menu. I'm not saying this can't be done, just that it's not as straightforward as you might think. I agree on the select/mark difference, BTW, and will change the menu accordingly in the next update.

Sonny Software
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