EndNote XML Import and absolute vs. relative paths

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EndNote XML Import and absolute vs. relative paths

Post by nmadani »

I have an XML file from EndNote listing the PDF attachments with their absolute paths. It appears that Bookends, upon importing, truncates these paths, and the "Attachments" pane shows an error message that the PDF attachment cannot be found.

Is Bookends removing the path information?
Is there a way to force Bookends to respect the full path and not treat the path as relative?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: EndNote XML Import and absolute vs. relative paths

Post by Jon »

Bookends doesn't use path names, it stores the folders containing the PDFs and then searches those when the PDF is needed. When you import the XML file Bookends will add the path of the folder (a so-called ad hoc folder, which you can see in Settings). If the PDF-containing folder isn't on the HD, though, Bookends of course won't store its path. If this is the case, you can add the folder to the ad hoc list by attaching just one PDF from that folder yourself (e.g. by drag and drop). Now Bookends will find all PDFs in that folder.

Sonny Software
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Re: EndNote XML Import and absolute vs. relative paths

Post by nmadani »

Thank you. Setting the "Attachment folder" to the root folder of the XML's folder hierarchy worked.
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