Possibly a bug when changing case of titles in standalone reference window

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Possibly a bug when changing case of titles in standalone reference window

Post by Nhaps »

Both global change - change case, and secondary click change case work as expected in Library window. But they send error message when applied to standalone reference windows. I don't know if this is machine related or a reproducible bug. Global change is also greyed out in standalone window.
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Re: Possibly a bug when changing case of titles in standalone reference window

Post by Jon »

The standalone window is meant for entering and editing only, when it's in front most library-wide features are not available via the menus. Bring the library window to the front to use them. I don't see any problems using a right-click Change Case in a standalone reference field, nor with Global Change -> Change Field when the standalone window is open (but in the background, because the menu wouldn't be active otherwise).

If you see reproducible problems, please write to tech support directly with more information and screen snaps.

Sonny Software
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