Reference links in a synced BibTex file?

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Reference links in a synced BibTex file?

Post by kaderan »


I am using an Obsidian plugin called Citations to read a synced BibTex file as a part of my literature note-taking in Obsidian. The plugin was built for Zotero, which has the capacity to export links to the Zotero records in the BibTex file. Does anyone know if there is a way to coax Bookends into generating reference links in a synced BibTex file?

Many thanks,

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Re: Reference links in a synced BibTex file?

Post by Jon »

Would explain a bit more? Exactly what do these reference links look like, and what is the workflow for generating them?

Sonny Software
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Re: Reference links in a synced BibTex file?

Post by kaderan »

Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I'm trying to reproduce one of the features of Zotero export when it is using the "Better BibLaTeX" export plugin. This apparently allows for storing a link directly to an individual bibliographical entry in the exported file, which can be parsed by the Obsidian " Citation" plugin into the {{zoteroSelectURI}} variable in the plugin template. I am trying to reproduce the workflow described at this timestamp:

So I wondered if there was a way to get Bookends to export bibliographic links (to the records in Bookends) in its BibTex output. Or some way, perhaps similar to the way that citeKeys are generated into the User1 field, to have Bookends load reference links into a given field on command. I suspect this might be applescriptable, but I'm into my PhD research and I don't have time to learn AppleScript unfortunately. Any Ideas?

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Re: Reference links in a synced BibTex file?

Post by Jon »

If you want to export a link to the reference in the Bookends database to Obsidian, that is easily done.

Markdown hypertext links look like this:

[human-readable text](URI)

To achieve this in Bookends, go to the Format Manager and edit the format you are using. If it''s BibTeX, you'd add a line that output the tag the plugin is looking for, followed by this:


This is an example of a link Bookends generated when that was entered in the format's Order field:


If you or anyone else is interested, this is how the formatting instructions break down:

[u1] -> outputs the citekey, which is in the Citekey field, AKA User1.
($bookends://$ -> outputs the literal text between the $ signs, which is the base URI for a reference
! -> name of the Bookends library
= -> the reference's unique id

Each reference must have a citekey, of course, which Bookends can generate for you if you don't have them already.

If you want a link that points to a reference in the Obsidian vault, I need to know the URI the plugin expects. So if that's the case, see what URI Better BibLaTeX is exporting and modify what I've posted here accordingly. If you have problems doing that, please post an example of such a URI here and I'll see how to tweak the format to achieve that.

Sonny Software
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