Marooned Attachments - Automatch

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Marooned Attachments - Automatch

Post by Nhaps »

Is it possible to have the marooned attachments manager search only within a given attachment folder? AFAIK the manager searches in all folders, which takes a long time.

Most important, would it be possible for the manager to match the attachment to the right reference (if it exists, if not, autocomplete) by the verification pop-up window "Do you want to attach..." This would be very, very useful. You may ask, how could this be done? One way would be for the manager to use the attachment title and check wether it matches or comes close to the reference title.

This would put empower BE to kill two flies with a single strike: solving the problem of orphaned references, and marooned attachments.
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Re: Marooned Attachments - Automatch

Post by Jon »

It doesn't search all folders, just the default attachment folder and any ad hoc attachment folders you have. I don't know how many ad hoc folders you have, but you can remove any that are obsolete in Settings.

As for matching them, we already have that feature, in the other direction -- select a reference and use Refs -> Get PDF -> Find & Attach Local PDF. Then select the folder you want Bookends to search.

Sonny Software
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Re: Marooned Attachments - Automatch

Post by Nhaps »

I eliminated some ad hoc folders in Settings, thanks for that.

The way of Refs -> Get PDF... does not work well for me. The challenges I have: too many false positives, each time 100 hundred hits; another problem is that already attached pdfs are listed. I am wondering if it could be improved upon. Just a suggestion.
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Re: Marooned Attachments - Automatch

Post by Jon »

You have to tell Bookends which folder to search for PDFs, and that shouldn't include PDFs you already have attached (i.e. your default attachment folder or any ad hoc folder). And 100 false positives sounds very high -- I can only imagine that if there is very little metadata entered for such a reference. Bookends uses Spotlight to match references to PDFs, so too little information can result in matching PDFs that obviously aren't a good fit.

Sonny Software
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