author, title, page number

Users asking other users for bibliography formats.
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author, title, page number

Post by rmansfield »

I'm taking a class where the prof wants us to use parenthetical citations that look like this: (Benware, Survey of the NT, 193). I have no idea what style guide this is.

Anyone have any idea what style guide this is?
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Re: author, title, page number

Post by Jon »

I don't either, but you can use Biblio -> Create Format Catalog to generate a file that shows examples of all the formats you hae.

You can create your own, as well. This is fully covered in the User Guide, and there is video tutorial that quickly takes you through the basics.

As you your specific example, the format to generate that citation would look like this

a, t

and you woud add the page number as a Cited Page after inserting the temp citation, like this

{temp cite@193}

Sonny Software
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