Dealing with a persistent comma problem in cited pages

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Dealing with a persistent comma problem in cited pages

Post by peter.malik »

I would like to set up my citations in such a manner that there are no commas between the round bracket and page number: e.g. Peter Malik, P.Beatty III (P47): The Codex, Its Scribe, and Its Text (NTTSD 52; Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017) 46. At the same time, I would, obviously, very much like to have the comma in the subsequent, short citation between the title and page number: e.g. Malik, P.Beatty III, 46.

If I delete the comma from the common cited pages setting, then it will also omit the comma in the short citation form. One way to deal with this is to enter the comma into the subsequent citation code, but then it’ll insert a comma even where there’s no page number, resulting in a big problem, as normally other punctuation such as a full stop or semicolon follows: e.g. Malik, P.Beatty III,. or Malik, P.Beatty III,; Royse, Scribal Habits,; etc.

I can’t seem to be able to find a way to solve it smoothly. Any advice but be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Dealing with a persistent comma problem in cited pages

Post by Jon »

You can have different cited pages settings for different Type, but not for primary vs second citations of the same type. A simple solution is to not use cited page for the secondary citation, but literal text:

{temp cite\, p. 46.\}

Sonny Software
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Re: Dealing with a persistent comma problem in cited pages

Post by peter.malik »

Right, but then I couldn’t make use of the page range settings such as abbreviating last pages, etc. Maybe something to think about for a future upgrade? :)
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