Term List buttons

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Term List buttons

Post by Jon »

If the Term List buttons (the little blue triangles) were removed from the Reference Window, would anybody miss them?

Sonny Software
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Term lists

Post by Sue »

Hadn't really noticed them - but now I've found them - very useful!
Do you need to remove them?
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Post by Jon »

Ha, that's actually a funny answer. I'd like to remove them to reduce visual clutter. There are already two other ways to open Term Lists (Utilities menu and some keyboard shortcuts). So I'd like some feedback (thanks) from people to see if they are actually used. If not, I'd like to get rid of them.

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Re: Term List buttons

Post by niklas »

Jon wrote:If the Term List buttons (the little blue triangles) were removed from the Reference Window, would anybody miss them?

Sonny Software
I guess I could live without them. The only one I have ever used is the one in the journal field, but auto-complete is often faster anyway.

However, I would like to be able to tell auto-complete to use data from my journal glossary instead, as these journal names are more reliable (entries in the term list may have the wrong spelling if there is such an entry somewhere the database). I tend to forget the "short name" I have given to the journal in the glossary...

I would also like to have an easier way to add journals to the current glossary, like a contextual menu on the journal name or something.

Best regards, Niklas
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Re: Term List buttons

Post by Jon »

niklas wrote:I guess I could live without them.
You don't necessarily have to -- I'd like to get rid of them, but won't if enough people tell me they are useful (and not unsightly).
...(entries in the term list may have the wrong spelling if there is such an entry somewhere the database)
Easy to fix. Find the offending reference (the Journal Term List should make this very easy) and correct the journal name. Then open the Journal Term List and press Delete -- this will cause Bookends to update the List and the incorrect entry will be removed.

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Re: Term List buttons

Post by tharpold »

Jon wrote:If the Term List buttons (the little blue triangles) were removed from the Reference Window, would anybody miss them?

Sonny Software
I've never used them. I'm all for reducing window clutter -- I think also that, given the other triangle widgets in the window -- for opening the drawer, toggling the size of the abstract field, etc. -- the function of these buttons is ambiguous. I would vote to get rid of them.

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Post by jadrain »

Hi Jon

I use the Journal term list button quite often, but the others basically never. The journal term list doesn't have a defined keyboard shortcut, does it? If you added a simple command-whatever shortcut for it then I'd be fine with losing the button(s).

Some other comments on the journal term list that I've sort of been saving up:

1) when the list window opens it's really narrow, too narrow to read a complex list. You can easily grab the bottom corner and drag it out to whatever width you like. However, if you dismiss it and then call it up again it reverts back to the default too-narrow size. Would it be possible to have the program remember the size of the window? It's a major pain having to resize it every single time it's used.

2) The default button in the list is "Find." I don't know about everyone else, but what I use this list for is data entry. (Yes, I use auto-complete, and I also use the Journal Glossary, but I deal with scads of Russian literature with long and complex and often very similar journal names - you can't tell them apart in the current size of the Journal pane in the Reference window. I also deal in journal names in languages which commonly use Unicode diacritical characters which can't easily be typed for auto-complete purposes.). I have never once used the "Find" button, and always want to use the "Insert" button. For what it's worth, the default in Endnote is "Insert." Would it inconvenience anyone to make the default be "Insert" or at least allow a preference to set it as such?

3) If Insert could be made the default, would it be possible to automatically close the term list window on Insert or again allow a preference to do so? In my workflow, there's no reason to leave the term list window open, it's just clutter, especially if it can be invoked again when need with an easy shortcut.

With those changes, the journals term list would be pretty sweet and just as useful as it was(is) in Endnote - you need to quickly locate a complex journal name, then you do a quick keyboard shortcut (if I remember, in Endnote it was command-1) type a few letters to navigate the list, use the arrow keys if necessary, flick Enter and you're done and moving on. Right now you click the button, drag the list window to make it readable, then type the letters, then go to the mouse again to press insert, and finally you have to go back to the journal term list window and click to close it and navigate back to the reference you're editing.

As I've said many times, Bookends kicks Endnote sideways, but this is one part of the workflow that could maybe be streamlined? And as I've said before, it may be a decade spent using Endnote that wired the above procedure into my work habits, but if so there may be a lot of people in the same boat.

Anyway, kudos as always on the latest additions to the program. Coloured references in the list view are sweeeeeeeeet [gift horse in mouth: any possibility of more colour options and user-defined colours at some later date?]

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Post by Jon »

jadrain wrote:If you added a simple command-whatever shortcut for it then I'd be fine with losing the button(s).
OK. Command-/
Would it be possible to have the program remember the size of the window? It's a major pain having to resize it every single time it's used.
Would it inconvenience anyone to make the default be "Insert" or at least allow a preference to set it as such?
This is too minor for a preferences option. But I wouldn't mind changing it to Insert if no one else cares.
If Insert could be made the default, would it be possible to automatically close the term list window on Insert or again allow a preference to do so?
Again, too minor for Preferences. But I see that Insert brings the Reference Window to the front, which should be just as good I think in terms of work flow.
With those changes, the journals term list would be pretty sweet and just as useful as it was(is) in Endnote
I can certainly get the behavior much closer to what you want.
[gift horse in mouth: any possibility of more colour options and user-defined colours at some later date?]
The colors are user-defined right now...did you go to Preferences and click on one of them?

Sonny Software
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Post by jadrain »

Command-/ would be perfect.

If the other changes were implemented, leaving the term list window open would be no biggie. I can't really see what it would be useful for and if you're working by switching between windows belonging to different open programs it's just another piece of clutter to get in the way. But sure, it doesn't interfere with workflow as it stands, unless you don't want it lurking there, which I admit may have something to do with one's level of neurosis (I always close it, but quite possibly the urge to do so is not fully rational).

Sorry I didn't realize the colours were definable. Real nice. Real, real nice.

Thanks as usual for your responsiveness.

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Post by Jon »

Closing the window makes sense for journals, but what if you are inserting authors or keywords? And I don't want to make the behavior dependent on which list you are using. And in the end, as you say, it's pretty minor. So I think the changes I'll make will pretty much take care of the issues you raised. Look for them in 9.0.4.

Sonny Software
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