Exporting Bookends' unique ID field to Endnote X2

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Exporting Bookends' unique ID field to Endnote X2

Post by pablitosan »

Hi Jon -

I'm forced to export Bookends bilbiographies back to Endnote X2 in order to collaborate with a workgroup.

When I do this, Endnote X2 receives the record number from Bookends, but it does not appear to receive the Unique ID field. This means that I can't use my existing in-text citations (formatted as {Author, Date, Unique ID}.

Any suggestions? The simplest thing (from my point of view) would be for Endnote to receive the unique ID in its "Accession Number" field. Then I could use my existing in-text citations directly.

Alternatively, if there is a way to globally transform the Bookends in-text citations to {Author, Date, Record Number}, that would also work.

- Paul
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Re: Exporting Bookends' unique ID field to Endnote X2

Post by Jon »

Bookends doesn't output the unique id in EN XML because EN will just ignore it -- it's unique id's are sequential and Bookends' aren't. You can output the unique id in any format, though, such as the EndNote (Refer) format, and EN will import it to whatever field you tell it. In the Bookends export format, use @ to indicate that Bookends should output the unique id.

BTW, you can globally transform any temp citations in a document to any other style by doing a proofreading scan.

Sonny Software
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