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Thank you! ... for fixing some unicode diacritics characters

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:33 am
by talazem
I was having a problem with certain unicode diacritics characters, namely two diacritics used in transliteration of semitic languages, which look like a "U" -- one turned on its side to the left, and the other to the right.

When importing such characters into Bookends through a bibtex file (or other text file), these characters were getting lost, and becoming black diamonds with question marks in them.

I am posting this here in case anyone else has faced (or will face) the same problem. After contacting him by email (due to these characters not coming across in forum post), Jon quickly fixed the problem. In fact, he was patient enought through an email exchange of about 9 emails, within a few hours, and then he had it fixed and done, and he even sent me a file to replace another in the Bookensd package...I didn't even have to wait for the next release!

This is the kind of support that you just don't find anywhere else (and definitely not with the developers of Endnote, who wouldn't answer my unicode questions for weeks on end a year or so ago). This is the kind of developer that I am happy to support. And this is the kind of developer with whom I will stick loyally.

So this is just a small note, instead of saying "something's not working", rather to say, "it's working very well, now!"

Thanks for your hard work, Jon.