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SmallCaps enhancement

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:47 pm
by eleuteruiz
Once again I am coming to SmallCaps issue.
I would like to suggest one enhancement that would solve two problems (and would avoid a lot of manual post-processing work for those who *need* this feature in authors' names):

As the feature works now, it takes every word of the author's name and makes it CAPITAL, reducing 4 points of the letters following the first one.

My suggestion would be that SmallCaps feature makes 4-point-reduced capitals out of every letter in the author's name that has been entered as lowercase, but leaving as normal capitals all letters entered as such.

It would solve these two problems:

1. Names with prefixes like "van der", which cannot become "Van Der".

2. Names with "Mc" like "McCann", which otherwise become "Mccann".

I know it is complicated, Jon, I beg you patience... But I can assure you it is quite important when you have to correct a lot of references.

Thank you