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A few new requests

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:55 pm
by danzac
I have a few requests that I'd like to make:

1) in the list view, could control or option>tab take you to the next or previous pane? The issue I have is that sometimes I am tabbing through the various fields showing in the right pane to make some alterations. Then when I am done, I have to tab through those remaining or those preceding to get back to the middle pane or groups pane. It would be great of control>tab would take me right back to the middle or groups pane.

2) I would like to suggest a new global find & replace feature that taps into the journal glossary. Basically my problem is that getting BE to substitute journal short names in the preferences is great but only works when i enter the info. It is rare for me to enter info, I import it. When a full journal name is imported it is not changed to the short form. I'd like to have a full global change feature that would allow me to substitute full journal names for short names. Others may want to do the opposite.

One of my main reasons for wanting the above ability has to do with real estate in the list view. I want to cram as much info into the list view as I can, and I'd much rather see the short name of the journal than the full name, as it saves space in the list view. Which lead me to .....

3) This is perhaps an easier solution to the problem that suggestion 2 is bringing up. If the user can set in the preferences for Bookends to show the short name of journal titles in the list view rather than whatever it happens to be, I'd be a happy camper. This would eliminate (for me anyway) the need for a global find and replace of journal names.

4) Related to the precious space in the list view, I'd really like it if BE had an abbreviation for types to save space in the list view: eg: book=BK, Journal article= JA, Book chapter = BC. If the user could specify the list abbrev's, all the better.

5) I just mentioned this to Jon in an email, but better visual confirmation of items dropped into static groups (or quick added with command>#) like full shading of the static group would be appreciated.

forgot one

6) Can Bookends utilize quicklook? hit space bar (when the citation is highlighted in the list view) and the attachment pops up in quicklook?