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MLA 7th edition formats

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 1:59 pm
by kjmatthews
Hello all,

I recently spent some time tweaking the Bookends MLA format and updating it to the recently-published 7th edition. It is freely available for all Bookends users who might get some use out of it. While the format is not 100% complete, it does include all the most common reference types (and some less common types as well). Eventually I would like the format to be complete and as robust as possible, so I invite additions, emendations, and comments either on this thread or at ... -bookends/, where the format itself can be found, along with instructions for setting it up in Bookends. Many thanks!

Edit (19 May 2010): “Internet” format and post updated to allow for weblog posts and various performer types.
Edit (20 May 2010): updates to book and book chapter/excerpt formats to allow for e-books.
Edit (28 June 2010): update to interview format; creation of print magazine format.
Edit (18 February 2011): fixed a minor error in the multivolume format.
Edit (25 February 2011): Corrected errors in a number of formats where “Ed.” means “Edited by” and therefore should not become “Eds.” when there is more than one editor.