Import Filter for McMaster University?

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Import Filter for McMaster University?

Post by altmanah »

I do not see McMaster University as an existing import filter- do you know if it is possible to create one? I am new to Bookends and would appreciate any help.

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Re: Import Filter for McMaster University?

Post by Jon »

Usually what you do is (1) get the z39.50 info for your university, (2) open the Import Filter Manager, select an existing filter in italic (which tells you it searches) and click the Add button and name the new filter, (3) enter the z39.50 info needed in the Internet tab, (4) save the new format. I've done this for you and uploaded a filter for McMaster to our ftp site. Download it and move it to ~/Application Support/Bookends/Custom Import Filters. I didn't try importing -- you may have to tweak the MARC tags a bit to get it exactly right, but it should be pretty good as it is.

The z39.50 info I used, btw, was found with a Google search: ... or-procite

Sonny Software
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