[TOOL] Create Live Links in a LibreOffice formatted bibliography

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[TOOL] Create Live Links in a LibreOffice formatted bibliography

Post by iandol »

I often include URLs and DOIs in my bibliographies, and by default Bookends does not mark these up as URLs in the bibliography, so one must do this manually. For anyone using Open/LibreOffice, I've written a macro to automatically find all URLs in a document and convert them to live links (aka clickable hyperlinks). The macro code is below, you just need to copy it into your LibreOffice My Macros > Standard as a subroutine and you can then run it on your formatted document. If you remove the REM on line 21, then DOI links have the link text set to "DOI" to reduce the clutter in the bibliography. Hope someone finds it useful.

Code: Select all

Sub makeURLs()
	Dim oDocument As Object
	Dim oSearch As Object, oFound As Object
	Dim oFoundCursor As Object
	Dim reURL As String
	Dim doistring as String
	Dim URL as String

	reURL = "(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)"
	URL = ""
	doistring = "dx.doi.org"
	oDocument = ThisComponent
	oSearch = oDocument.createSearchDescriptor
	oSearch.SearchRegularExpression = TRUE
	oSearch.SearchString = reURL
	oFound = oDocument.findFirst(oSearch)
	While NOT IsNull(oFound)
		URL = oFound.String
		If InStr(URL, doistring) Then
			oFound.HyperlinkName = "DOI"
			REM	oFound.String = "DOI"
			oFound.HyperlinkName = "URL"
		End If
		oFound.HyperlinkTarget = ""
		oFound.HyperlinkURL = URL
		oFound = oDocument.findNext(oFound, oSearch)
End Sub
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