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Bookends Beginner Help? Adding page numbers to Scrivener

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:12 pm
by AccordionBruce
I'm very new at Bookends. Trying to output annotations in my Scrivener project.

My cited sources are stored in a large Devonthink database. I probably should have used Bookends all along, but now I'm going back and replacing inline Scrivener references to my Devonthink database with printable annotations from Bookends.

I'm having trouble figuring out how to enter page numbers for cited pages from books.

In my Scrivener text I have hyperlink references which appear as footnotes when compiled. In Scrivener the Bookends links seem to just show the Title of the linked item in Bookends:
"A History of Metals"

When I right-click it gives me an option to copy/edit the link:

To add page numbers I understand I should add the @ sign after the "temporary citation," but I am not seeing the citation format with the {brackets} mentioned in the Bookends documentation.

Any help with this would be appreciated. I want to make sure I'm doing it right before I continue.

Re: Bookends Beginner Help? Adding page numbers to Scrivener

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:24 pm
by Jon
You're placing hypertext links in Scrivener. These are not intended for citations. They are clickable links that take you to the reference in Bookends.

What you want to put in the document are temporary citations. You can do this by selecting the reference(s) you want and click Copy Citation (or Command-Y). If you're linked to Scrivener, you'll see them appear at the insertion point, surrounded by curly brackets.

Please take a look at our tutorials in the Help menu (start with the video tutorial), which introduce citations and scanning (and a lot more) to you. ... rials.html

Sonny Software

Re: Bookends Beginner Help? Adding page numbers to Scrivener

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:35 pm
by AccordionBruce
Hooray! Just what I needed. Thank you.

Re: Bookends Beginner Help? Adding page numbers to Scrivener

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:11 pm
by AccordionBruce
I'm making progress with your help.

Follow up Question:

Should my citations also be hyperlinks?

When I converted my hyperlinks to proper Temporary Citations they stayed active as links. When I then scanned my document they appeared properly as footnotes but with hyperlink text. I'd guess there's a way to strip the hyperlinks in the output process.

It's very handy to have the clickable links to the sources while I'm writing, but I don't want that to mess up my final citations. Or, should I just use plain-text temporary citations without the benefit of the hyperlink to the sources?

Thanks very much.

Re: Bookends Beginner Help? Adding page numbers to Scrivener

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:16 pm
by Jon
Hypertext links and citations are two entirely different things. Keep them separate. Do not "convert" your links to citations. Make a brand new citation as I described. Of course you can have *both* in the document. Only the latter will change when you scan.

Sonny Software

Re: Bookends Beginner Help? Adding page numbers to Scrivener

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:15 am
by iandol
One way to keep hypertext links to your temporary citations is to use Scrivener comments (note I'm using a different temporary citation style but the idea is identical):
Screen Shot 2017-03-31 at 22.02.15_SMALL.png
Screen Shot 2017-03-31 at 22.02.15_SMALL.png (34.23 KiB) Viewed 9291 times
The comments are normally stripped out when you compile in Scrivener, so it won't affect your compiled File you use to scan.

In fact Scrivener hypertext links can also be removed on compile too, so they shouldn't affect the temporary citation either (but all hypertext links would be removed, not only the bookends: ones). And you can also use inline annotations that are also stripped on compile, although I find those difficult to read...

Re: Bookends Beginner Help? Adding page numbers to Scrivener

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 4:35 pm
by AccordionBruce
Coming back to an older post for anyone curious, I ended up successfully putting the Bookends Unique Reference in Scrivner's (unlinked, grey here) Inline Footnote format, and then adding a link to the Bookends citation with Scrivener's Inline Annotation format (red here).
A sample Bookends Footnote identifier (Grey) with a Scrivener Inline Annotation link (Red) to the bookends citation
A sample Bookends Footnote identifier (Grey) with a Scrivener Inline Annotation link (Red) to the bookends citation
Scrivener Footnotes and Annotation.jpg (162.79 KiB) Viewed 8865 times
This required some fancy key-stokes jumping back and forth each time I placed a citation (1,700 times!) but it worked.
It looks ridiculous writing it out but the process for each note was:
  • Place cursor where you want the note in Scrivener.
    Click Shift-Cmd-F to prepare its Inline Footnote Format.
    Switch to Bookends. Highlight the reference in Bookends.
    Click Cmd-Y to past the Unique Bookends ID back in Scrivener.
    Click Shift-Cmd-A in Scrivener to format the coming Inline Annotation
    Back in Bookends click Shift-Cmd-L to place the bookends link for the citation.
When I compile in Scrivener include the Footnotes but exclude the Annotations. Works pretty good.

(I did have some initial trouble with Bookends' Scan Document script. It didn't work because amongst so many citations I was missing several } close-curly-brackets. Once that was fixed it is processing my 500 page manuscript flawlessly.)

Re: Bookends Beginner Help? Adding page numbers to Scrivener

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:30 am
by NilsMS
You may want to have a look at an older post of mine: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3465

There I describe how to have both via AppleScript: the temporary citation and a clickable link to the Bookends-item in Scrivener. In fact, a link to the pdf in Devonthink is created as well.

Re: Bookends Beginner Help? Adding page numbers to Scrivener

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:09 pm
by AccordionBruce
I thought there might be a way to script what I was doing!