Looking for NASA/ADS Import

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Looking for NASA/ADS Import

Post by abhimat »


I’m looking for a way to import NASA/ADS information into Bookends. In particular, I am hoping to be able to match papers to NASA/ADS entries and pull the `Key` field from NASA/ADS (ADS has a key field, named `Bibcode`). Is this possible to do with Bookends?

I’m attempting to use the ADS Dev API in the Metadata section of Bookends, but I’m not sure if I’m doing this correctly.

Thank you!
Abhimat Gautam
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Re: Looking for NASA/ADS Import

Post by Jon »

I doubt that will work. But you can search ADS in Bookends Browser, and if an article has a DOI registered with CrossRef Bookends can import it. I just tried, and Bookends isn't picking up the DOI when you just show the reference, but if you click on the DOI link in the reference Bookends does find that.

Sonny Software
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Re: Looking for NASA/ADS Import

Post by thespacedoctor »

I too would like to know how to import papers from ADS (both new papers and matching PDFs already in my library). I tried going to ADS with the Bookends Browser and click the DOI but I am just taken to the paper website. Would love to have a workflow for this.


Many astronomers are jumping off the Papers band-wagon and looking for a new home for their references.
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Re: Looking for NASA/ADS Import

Post by Jon »

There is a several part answer to this.

1. The NASA/ADS site is using some HTML/Javascript trickery to present the results. The upshot is that Bookends Browser never receives notification that a reference page has downloaded and therefore never looks up the paper by its DOI. I emailed them about this in the past and they told me they might return to a more conventional way of showing the results, but that hasn't happened.

2. You can copy the DOI and do a QuickAdd in Bookends. It may or may not work, because at this time the Crossref API servers are responding very slowly and the requests are timing out.

3. You can copy the arXiv ID and do a QuickAdd in Bookends. That works in my hands at this time.

Sonny Software
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Re: Looking for NASA/ADS Import

Post by Jon »

Followup of #2. I've been in touch with Crossref and they're aware of the slow response times. They're working on short-term and long-term fixes, so hopefully their responses to DOI queries will improve before long.

Sonny Software
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Re: Looking for NASA/ADS Import

Post by thespacedoctor »

Thanks Jon. I'll email ADS too.
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