Clarification on library search

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Clarification on library search

Post by enrico.scarpella »

Hi all,

There are a few things I don’t understand about the library search function, and I was wondering whether someone could be so kind to help me out. For example:

1. I have a reference that has the words GNOM and ARF1 in its title and in its abstract. If I search Abstract with “GNOM ARF”, the reference will be retrieved; if I search with “GNOM ARF1”, it won’t. If I search either All or Title with “GNOM ARF” or “GNOM ARF1”, the reference will not be retrieved.

2. If I search Authors with more than one author name, the search will retrieve no references.

3 If I search All with more than one word — two authors, one author and a year, one author and a word in title or abstract, etc. — the search will retireve no references.

If I do any of the above on Bookends for Mac, I get the expected results, i.e. the right references are retrieved. What am I missing / doing wrong? Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,
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Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:09 pm

Re: Clarification on library search

Post by Serge »

Yes, currently, our Bookends for iOS db search engine is limited to basic searches, we are planning to improve it.
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:32 pm

Re: Clarification on library search

Post by enrico.scarpella »

Thank you for the clarification, Serge.

Best regards,
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