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Citing a secondary source

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 3:24 am
by FESteward
I am trying to figure out how to insert a secondary source in Bookends. For instance, in Smith 2009 p. 100 footnote 3 lists Attfield 1990 p. 34 that I want to cite. So I want my in-text citation to look like this:

(See Attfield, 1990, p. 34, cited in Smith, 2009, p. 100)

Also, I want to make sure both are added to my references page.

How do I do this using the double-tap control key that I've been using to enter data into my Word document? Suggestion?


Re: Citing a secondary source

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 7:27 am
by Jon
It's a bit tricky, and there are several possible solutions. I haven't tested it, but I think this would work

(See {*temp cite1@34}, cited in {*temp cite2@100})

The * tells Bookends to omit the enclosing parentheses that would otherwise be generated.

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