Feature Request: Improve Share from Safari iOS

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Feature Request: Improve Share from Safari iOS

Post by DrJJWMac »

I have a request that Bookends iOS improve its ability to import citations from Safari iOS.

Consider this link as an example.

https://analyticalsciencejournals.onlin ... 2/sia.6958

Open this in Safari iOS.

* I cannot SHARE this to Bookends iOS. I can share it to a host of other iOS apps (e.g. Devonthink and ReadCube Papers).
* The Safari bookmark Open in Bookends does not open the link in Bookends iOS.

Notice that this citation has a DOI hyperlink. In a perfect world, I would hope to click on that DOI hyperlink, access an option to share the link to Bookends (iOS), have Bookends iOS recognize the import as a DOI, have Bookends iOS create a new citation filling the DOI field for the new citation, and have Bookends iOS automatically grab the citation content using the DOI.

I am hoping to move more to my iPad to collect citation content. The above changes will make the switch far easier.

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