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How to capitalize some letters when using Bibtex

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:01 am
by domino
Some bibtex features require that I use brackets for capital letters. How could do this in Bookends in order to automatize the process and not to be forced to enter manually one by one each reference in Bibtex?

This is an example of what I get with Bookends :

Code: Select all

author = {Bouveresse, Jacques}, 
title = {Philosophie, mythologie et pseudo-science. Wittgenstein lecteur de Freud},
volume = {}, 
pages = {}, 
editor = {}, 
publisher = {Éditions de l’éclat}, 
address = {}, 
year = {2015}, 
abstract = {}, 
keywords = {mythologie; philosophie; philosophie analytique; psychanalyse}}
And this is the output :

Philosophie, mythologie et pseudo-science. wittgenstein lecteur de Freud

The letter 'w' is not capitalized.
Thanks for your help.

Re: How to capitalize some letters when using Bibtex

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:56 am
by iandol
Maybe someone has a cool built-in solution, but one alternative is a script which post-processes your BibTeX output. I use this to protect a bunch of terms which require specific case handling in my field. You can read more about that here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4292 — the current version of my script is here: ... fixCase.rb