Thoughts on menu bar and context click options

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Thoughts on menu bar and context click options

Post by DrJJWMac »

When I context click on a specific bibliography item in the main window, I am a bit overwhelmed/confused by the choices. Some of them seem out of place because they are already some where else or are global actions to the entire list rather than actions only on the specific selection.

* The first two menu options to change the column or swap the column (already possible by context clicking on the column titles)
* New Reference (why would someone want to context click directly on a reference to create a new one?)
* Select References with Orphaned Attachments (a global action)
* Sort by Label (a global action)
* Mark All (e.g. rather than Mark Selected)

The Finder menu handles global actions by hiding/reserving them to the menu bar icons ...
FinderOptions.png (7.75 KiB) Viewed 74033 times
The Finder also is context aware of whether I am clicking on a folder or file versus context clicking on the empty background to the view of my desktop or to a folder. I only get an option to create a new folder in the latter case, never in the former case.

Also, I can Add To Group through the context menu, but I don't see a way to Remove From (Current) Group via a context menu.

I offer these thought to consider as ways to make the menu bar and context click actions in Bookends behave more like the macOS Finder.
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