printing PDFs

Users asking other users for AppleScripts that work with Bookends.
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printing PDFs

Post by Olli »

Hello: for many this may be anachronistic, but I still print PDFs, notably when I am writing a paper or working on a grant. Today, for example, I needed to print out about a dozen of papers in a smart group. Bookends does not have a menu item to do this, so one way is to open each of these papers in Preview or whatever and then print one after the other; there are other ways of doing this, but it will be manually, one paper after the other, each activating a print dialogue requiring interaction etc. Not a big problem, but it is cumbersome.

If anybody has solved this task with an applescript/automator, would you be willing to share your solution?

Thanks for your time,
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Re: printing PDFs

Post by Jon »

This won't help with scripting, but note that in Bookends opening the PDFs in an external PDF reader is probably more easily done via the UI than a script -- select the references with PDFs you want to print and then press Shift-Command-O. All of the associated PDFs will be opened in your default PDF viewer.

Sonny Software
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