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Generate citekey when adding manually

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 7:31 am
by mathefff

could we have the option "Create citekey when importing" also auto-generate them for manually added references? It's not much but that additional click to generate one adds up on multiple instances. Or perhaps a different checkmark option?


Re: Generate citekey when adding manually

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 7:34 pm
by Jon
Since you can use a variety of options to create the citekey, including a format, Bookends doesn't know when all of the required information has been entered. When it has been, press Shift-Command-K and it will be generated. If you have more than one, select them in the list and do the same, a key will be added for all of them.

Sonny Software

Re: Generate citekey when adding manually

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:38 am
by mathefff
Thanks for the tip with the keyboard shortcut. Is there any disadvantage of having citekeys generated by default?

Re: Generate citekey when adding manually

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:19 am
by Jon
As I explained, unlike importing the metadata all at once, when typing them in Bookends doesn't know when you've added all the required information, especially if you are using a format to generate the citekey. It makes no sense to "build" the citekey as you type. It's once and done (unless you purposefully recreate it again). You know when you're finished, press Shift-Command-K.

If people automated generation when one of the default options was selected, like Author + Year (rather than a format), it would be feasible.

Sonny Software