Final sigma.

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Final sigma.

Post by Wobble »

Hi there,

I need to cite some Greek dictionary entries. The lowercase letter sigma has two forms.

σ normally,
ς when it occurs at the end of words.

When I scan in Word, σ's always come out in the normal form, even if they are at the ends of words.

So what should be

Friedrich Hauck, “κοινωνός, κοινωνέω, κοινωνία, συγκοινωνός, συγκοινωνέω,” TDNT,

comes out

Friedrich Hauck, “Κοινωνόσ, Κοινωνέω, Κοινωνία, Συγκοινωνόσ, Συγκοινωνέω,” TDNT.

I also noticed that the words are capitalised when they should not be

How do you force titles to be formatted exactly as written in bookends?

Thanks for your help
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Re: Final sigma.

Post by Jon »

Terminate the title with a comma and it will be output as entered. That will take care of the capitalization. As far as the terminal sigma, you'll have to try this and see if your ς is left alone. As an aside, I don't know if you also have Mellel, but if you do its integration with Bookends is excellent and it's know for, among other things, its handling of non-Latin languages.

Sonny Software
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