Any competent Applescriptor's around?

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Any competent Applescriptor's around?

Post by danzac »

Hi there. Awhile ago I talked to Jon to see if it would be possible to somehow automate an export from BE to assist the integration with DEVONThink. He suggested a system applescript (I think that is what he called it) and am wondering if there is anyone who would be willing to try and create such a thing (I do not have the competency)

Here's is what I'd want the script to do when run:
1) choose the entire database
2) export as a bibliography format (BibTeX format with BiBTeX style)
3) Have the .bib file placed in a chosen folder (which would always be replacing an old .bib of the same name)

The reason this would be helpful is because DT can automatically update itself with the new .bib, making the integration between the two that much easier.

Thanks, Danny
~I swore to myself that if I ever got to walk around the room as manager people would laugh as they saw me coming and applaud as I walked away~
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