Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

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Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by NilsMS »

Coming from Endnote, I am new to Bookends, so please excuse if I have missed an obvious feature or if the following has been asked before (at least I did not manage to find similar posts).

Our citation guidelines request that we add the respective citation before each entry in the bibliography. So,

"As was pointed out by R. Meyer (2011) ..."

might look as follows in the bibliography:

"Meyer 2011: R. Meyer, Der Pointer im Hier-und-Jetzt (Bonn 2011)."

None of the formats provided with Bookends seem to provide a similar solution. Of course, I could add author and date twice in each entry, but then I would have to remove the initials manually. In Endnote, it was as simple as telling Endnote to start each entry with the citation. So, is there already a solution in Bookends or should this post in the end be moved to the feature request-section?

Any help is appreciated,

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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by Jon »

Since I don't see the same exact citation in the bibliography, I'm not sure what you're after. You may be able modify the bibliography output to include what the in-text citation would look like. In the case below, however, you couldn't because the "Meyer 2011" has just the surname, whereas the name in the bibliography includes the initials.

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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by NilsMS »

Jon wrote:Since I don't see the same exact citation in the bibliography, I'm not sure what you're after. You may be able modify the bibliography output to include what the in-text citation would look like. In the case below, however, you couldn't because the "Meyer 2011" has just the surname, whereas the name in the bibliography includes the initials.
Dear Jon,

thanks for the quick response! The omitting of the initials is exactly the problem. In the bibliography, the first occurrence of the name of an author/editor etc. would only include the surname (plus year), the second then initials and surname. I have copied some more references so you know what the bibliography should look like:

Beilke-Voigt/Biermann 2009: I. Beilke-Voigt/F. Biermann (Hrsg.), Vom Umgang mit dem Tod von der Frühgeschichte bis zur Neuzeit. Ethnogr.-Arch. Zeitschr. 50, 1–2, 2009.
Knöpke 2009: S. Knöpke, Der urnenfelderzeitliche Männerfriedhof von Neckarsulm. Forsch. u. Ber. Vor- u. Frühgesch. Baden-Württemberg 116 (Stuttgart 2009).
Knüsel 2009: C. Knüsel, Besprechung von Murphy 2008. Cambridge Arch. Journal 19, 2, 2009, 270–272.
Murphy 2008: E. M. Murphy, Deviant Burial in the Archaeological Record. Stud. Funerary Arch. 2 (Oxford 2008).

Is there a simple way to accomplish this in Bookends?


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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by Jon »

No, Bookends won't mix formatted citations and bibliographies in the same output. That would have to be a feature request (I've made note of the request already).

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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by NilsMS »

Jon wrote:No, Bookends won't mix formatted citations and bibliographies in the same output. That would have to be a feature request (I've made note of the request already).
That would be really nice. I think I can live with it at the moment, but this missing feature might be a dealbreaker for colleagues. I would be happy to give any suggestions if needed. As noted before, the solution as implemented in Endnote works quite well.


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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by etiennedelav »

Dear Jon

I have the same problem. In the journal I have to use, the bibliography format is

surname Date
given name surname. title…………

for instance

Schafer 1963
Edward H. Schafer. The Golden Peaches of Samarkand. A Study of T’ang Exotics (Berkeley- Los Angeles-London: University of California Press, 1963).

is there any way to do that with Bookends ?
The format a d¬a, “t,”………
will include the initials in the first line. It is not a question of mixing citation and bibliography, it is an actual bibliography format, needed in several journals. The choice given between "Surname only/surname and initials/full name" in the format window should be proposed for each mention of the author, not as a global rule. An other way would be also to separate author into two different fields, Surname/Given name. Is there any simple way to do that ?

thanks a lot


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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by Jon »

I actually spent a lot of time thinking about how to mix citations with bibliography outputs (which is essence what you want to do I think), and couldn't come up with a reasonable solution. I'll keep revisiting this, but at this time they cannot be mixed. You could, of course enter these date in another field in Bookends (one of the user fields for example) and then output that field at the beginning of the format, followed by a return. If you entered

Shafter 1963 in User1, for example, the format might be

a, "t,"

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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by etiennedelav »

Dear Jon

thanks for your answer. Is there any simple way in an existing Bookends database to do :

1) Parse the field author into surname-given name
2) add to the field User1 the surname + the date

i.e. to automatically generate the wanted result in user1 (surname date)

an applescript ??


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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by Jon »

You can use Global Change -> Move Field (twice, once for author, once for date). But that won't work if there is more than one author, and I can see other problems. Global Change -> Move might be of some help, but there will be manual cleanup after.

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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by NilsMS »

Jon wrote:I actually spent a lot of time thinking about how to mix citations with bibliography outputs (which is essence what you want to do I think), and couldn't come up with a reasonable solution. I'll keep revisiting this, but at this time they cannot be mixed.
If I might chime in again: I know nothing of how BE is programmed, of course, but have you looked at the solution as it is implemented in Endnote? In essence, you can ask Endnote to put the respective citation, as it is used in the body of the text, before each bibliography entry. Would this be applicable to BE?


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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by Jon »

Ha, that's not a solution, that's a feature. :-)

Bookends can't do that, and given how formatting is done (in Bookends) it would be very difficult to do. As I said, I won't forget about the request.

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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by NilsMS »

Sorry to nag: Is there any news in this direction? This feature missing stopps me to recommend BE unconditionally to colleagues using Mac.


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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by Jon »

I've spent some time looking into this, and given how Bookends is designed it's very difficult to do.Just getting the citation part wouldn't be that hard, but getting it right for edge cases. One example would be if an in-text citation had to be disambiguated with a letter, like (Bonn, 2012a; Bonn, 2012b)). Another would be a citation that had cited pages (e.g. (Bonn, 2012, p. 12). If such cases could be ignored then it would be much more do-able, but I'm guess the first one cannot be (the second perhaps yes). And there are no doubt others.

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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by NilsMS »

Jon wrote:Just getting the citation part wouldn't be that hard, but getting it right for edge cases. … If such cases could be ignored then it would be much more do-able ….
In this case, I would opt for ignoring edge cases. Editing these few (if any) manually later in the finalized bibliography is less hassle than having to edit each entry.


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Re: Adding citation before each entry in bibliography

Post by Jon »

Would you please initiate a thread about this in the Bookends forum? People are not going to find it in the section on exchanging formats. I'm curious to see what others think. That is, is this a feature others would like. I'm also curious to hear how EndNote deals with the edge cases.


Sonny Software
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