Multiple journal names after Zotero import

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Multiple journal names after Zotero import

Post by gshenaut »

I'm moving to Bookends from Zotero. I've imported all my references & pdf's with no hitches so far except one.

A number of the references ended up with multiple newline separated journal names:
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
J. Exp. Psychol. Learn. Mem. Cogn.
Journal of the American Medical Association
And so on. It may be that there are never more than two. The first seems usually to be the full name and the second an abbreviation. Unfortunately, when such references are inserted into the text, the newlines and additional material comes along with them:
{Nielsen et al., 2013, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Neurobiol. Learn. Mem., 106, 56-65}
which in the bibliography comes out with both journal names, with a paragraph mark between them:
Nielsen, S. E., Ahmed, I., & Cahill, L. (2013). Sex and menstrual cycle phase at encoding influence emotional memory for gist and detail. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Neurobiol. Learn. Mem., 106, 56-65. doi:10.1016/j.nlm.2013.07.015
Am I correct to assume that this is simply a glitch in the Zotero export routine and that I will now need to make a pass through my library and delete the abbreviated journal names?

Also, if this is such a glitch, are there any other known Zot->BookEnds pitfalls I should be on the lookout for?

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Re: Multiple journal names after Zotero import

Post by Jon »

Check the RIS file exported from Zotero. Obviously they're exporting the full and abbreviated names. See if the tags before these fields are different. If they are it's easy to edit the import filter so that the one you don't want is ignored. If they use the same name the import of both can't be avoided. The solution would be to delete one of them from your Zotero references and then export.

Sonny Software
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Re: Multiple journal names after Zotero import

Post by gshenaut »

OK, the first name is T2 and the second one is J2. This appears to be a bug in Zotero's export, since there were no J1s in the output and I'm assuming that T2 should be the second title line whereas J1 would be main journal name. Maybe not.

I need the T2 ones. I think I'll strip them from the RIS file rather than try to fiddle with the import filter.

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Re: Multiple journal names after Zotero import

Post by Jon »

It's trivial to edit the import filter -- just remove the J2 tag from in front of the Journal field (you can replace it once done if you like). That's probably a lot easier then manipulating the exported file.

Sonny Software
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