Feature Request: (Hash)tags for annotations

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Feature Request: (Hash)tags for annotations

Post by DrJJWMac »

I am developing a process to review annotations in Obsidian. My current approach starts with Bookends iPadOS. I add a #hashtag key word to the annotation note. Following my current processing chain (Bookends iPadOS -> Bookends macOS -> Highlights -> Devonthink -> Obsidian), the #hashtag ends up being inside the markdown reference link. For example, the final markdown output is this

![#equation Einstein's theory](... figure annotation ...)

For proper processing in Obsidian (and other markdown apps), the #hashtag should instead appear outside the markdown link in this way

#equation ![Einstein's theory](... figure annotation ...)

I can manipulate the current markdown output in a batch process (e.g. likely through some REGEX magic). But ...

I would like to use this opportunity to request that Bookends iPadOS (and macOS) fully support the ability to put #hashtag tags on annotations.
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