How long should I wait?

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Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:30 am

How long should I wait?

Post by ghostwheel »

I have two computers. At home I synced my database to iCloud. This took a few minutes. Now I'm at work, and I tried to sync from the cloud to my mac mini, and it has been two hours. These were both first syncs. I'm not sure how long I should wait till I decide the process failed.
First I waited around an hour after clicking the iCould sync. The program during this time was using 99% cpu, and was unresponsive. Eventually I force closed it. Then I reopened. The database is there, with 1200 entries, and opening it takes hours. Should I kill it, delete the database and start from scratch?
P.S. The internet connection at work is MUCH faster than at home.
Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:30 am

Re: How long should I wait?

Post by ghostwheel »

UPDATE: I force quit again, empties the library, and loaded from iCloud. That took a few seconds. I think I lost the five entries I had on my work computer, but that doesn't matter, really.
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