[Feature Request] Attachment Viewer Improvements

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[Feature Request] Attachment Viewer Improvements

Post by Farcas »

Currently the PDF viewer only shows the PDF and its thumbnails. But a huge leap forward would be to add the option to show the outline/bookmarks that one makes in PDF apps (e.g. Acrobat). This would keep the research a lot more organized. Also, incorporating these 'headings' into the notecards would be interesting.

Other improvements:

1. A small but helpful change would be in the scrolling through the note cards. Currently it zips by and it is easy to get lost in the mess of notes.

2. When I select a note, the color changes to a blue, regardless of what color my note is. There should be some continuity between the two: blue > dark blue (when selected). Or perhaps better: just an outline around the card with a darker shade of the color.

3. Also, and this may be a glitch, but when I copy a note card as a hyperlink, paste it in Mellel as a hyperlink (web), and then try it out by clicking on it, I am only taken to the reference itself and note to that specific note.

4. Seems weird to me that when I choose to make a highlight and notecard (w/ page number) that two notecards appear. Maybe it has to be like that, but in either case it would be nice to be able to filter through the two and only show those that I've quoted. Maybe even better, filter down through quoted and/or different annotations (e.g. colors).

5. I like that when I select a highlight, there's a grey box that surrounds it. Nice touch to focus my attention. Of course the down side is that makes it hard to select another portion of text that falls within that box. So in the end I'm not a fan.

6. I think this is coming in the next update (I'm only on 12.6.1 with the Mac app store), but having a default color highlighter is key - I hate seeing yellow every time. Maybe even a further step in allowing menu options for a handful of preset colors.

7. Now, when I click on a notecard, it takes me right to the highlight in the PDF. The reverse is not true. When I select on the highlight, for which there is a corresponding notecard, it should (in my thinking) pull up the corresponding notecard. Instead it does nothing. I'd love to see this changed. Maybe in the next update...?

8. (Obviously I'm getting into the attachment viewer a bit here...) For further in depth use, I think its imperative to try to work something where I can have multiple PDFs open in the attachment viewer and be at the same time sifting through other references.

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Re: [Feature Request] Attachment Viewer Improvements

Post by Jon »

Thanks for the feedback. I can comment on a few of your points:

4. You see two notecards because you've told Bookends to display PDF highlights in the note stream. So when you have imported a note, you get two notecards: one that shows the imported note in the Bookends database (which is editable) and the other that shows the highlight in the PDF (which is not editable). You can tell Bookends to not show the PDF highlight (uncheck the option in the action menu) if it bothers you.

7. From the 12.6.2 release notes: If you select a PDF highlight or note and the note stream is visible, Bookends will select the corresponding notecard.

I hope to submit 12.6.3 to the Mac App Store very soon, and it will be available once Apple reviews and approves it.

Sonny Software
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Re: [Feature Request] Attachment Viewer Improvements

Post by Farcas »

Thanks Jon! I look forward to the new release soon.

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